Enschede joins the CIVITAS Network

CIVITAS Initiative

The CIVITAS Forum Network of cities welcomes another new member, the city of Enschede from eastern Netherlands. The city’s mobility plan is oriented towards mobility management in order to bring about a tangible modal shift from the private car to more sustainable modes of transport.

When describing the sustainable urban mobility progress of his city, Marcel Meeuwissen, senior mobility advisor informed the CIVITAS Secretariat that: “Enschede is working on a mobility-management project called Incentive-Zone, which might be interesting for the other cities within the CIVITAS Network. The goal of Incentive-Zone is to persuade travellers to change the mode or timing of their travel. The core service is personal multi-modal travel advice, but around this advice other incentives like car sharing are offered.”When asked why Enschede chose to join the CIVITAS Forum Network, Meeuwissen replied: “Enschede has joined the CIVITAS Network because we expect it to be a good platform for exchanging ideas and learning from other cities - because they are already doing a lot of things that might be useful for Enschede. By becoming a member of the CIVITAS Network, we expect to be able to attract more European funding for our projects in the field of mobility management. But as I found out the last CIVITAS annual Forum Conference in Krakow, the money is one thing but it is the knowledge that really makes you rich!”The CIVITAS Network now includes 174 members, with the most recent arrivals being Treviso, Pineto and Giulianova - all from Italy, Lahti from the newest country to be represented within the network: Finland, and Cardiff from Wales within the United Kingdom. Their initiatives will be continuously detailed on the respective pages of the CIVITAS Forum Network members, which can be accessed here.

Author: Marcel Meeuwissen - senior mobility advisor

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